What To Expect When Becoming a Surrogate Mother

What To Expect When Becoming a Surrogate Mother

Becoming a surrogate mother is an act of unparalleled kindness that has the power to transform lives. Embarking on this meaningful journey requires a deep understanding of the process, both emotionally and physically. Gain further clarity on this life-changing experience and discover what you can expect when becoming a surrogate mother.

Matching with Intended Parents

The most important aspect of the surrogacy process is the matching of a surrogate with the intended parents. Harmonious matching is crucial to ensure the values, expectations, and preferences of both parties align.

The match between intended parents and surrogates is an emotionally significant moment, signaling the start of a deeply cooperative and intimate relationship. Open communication and mutual respect during this phase are paramount to building a strong foundation for the months ahead.

The Screening Process

Before the surrogacy process officially begins, potential surrogates undergo an extensive screening process to ensure they are physically and emotionally prepared for the journey ahead. Screenings include:

  • Medical examinations to evaluate your health and reproductive history

  • Psychological screenings to ensure emotional readiness

  • Background checks to make sure you can fulfill your role safely and responsibly

The surrogate is expected to undergo a medical screening, psychological evaluation, and background check. The latter will verify her identity and screen for any past criminal offenses that could raise safety concerns.

The medical screening ensures the surrogate is free from infectious diseases and has no prior medical complications that could jeopardize her ability to safely carry a pregnancy to term. If the surrogate has a partner, her partner will also be required to have a background check and medical screening as well.

During the psychological screening, a licensed psychologist will evaluate the surrogate. The psychological evaluation aims to assess the surrogate’s overall mental health and emotional readiness for the surrogacy journey. It also confirms that she fully understands the implications and responsibilities involved.

These screenings will help safeguard the safety of all parties. Overall, the screening process is designed to protect all parties involved and to lay the foundation for a successful surrogacy experience.

Legal Consultation & Contract

After the surrogate passes all the screening requirements, the next step is to understand the rights and obligations involved in surrogacy. Both the surrogate and intended parents, along with their attorneys, will review a surrogacy contract called a gestational carrier agreement. This agreement covers important aspects of the surrogacy process, including responsibilities, compensation, medical decisions, and parental rights.

Having all the parties read, understand, and sign the gestational carrier agreement is a vital step that confirms everyone’s support and consent for the surrogacy process.

The Medical & Emotional Journey

After the gestational carrier agreement is finalized, the medical aspect of surrogacy begins—fertility treatments, embryo transfer, and continuous medical check-ups to ensure the health of both the surrogate and the baby. This stage can be both physically and emotionally taxing.

The surrogate will take fertility medications and injectable hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, from the medical clinic to help prepare for the embryo transfer. Medical clinics will regularly monitor the surrogate response to these medications. Once the doctor believes the surrogate is ready, she will undergo the embryo transfer.

Following the embryo transfer, the surrogate will continue taking medications to support the early stages of pregnancy. Approximately 10-14 days after the embryo transfer, the surrogate will take blood tests to confirm pregnancy. Afterward, our agency and intended parents will be there to support the surrogate through medical check-ups to monitor the pregnancy.

Surrogacy is as much an emotional process as it is physical. Surrogates may experience a whirlwind of emotions—from the joy of helping create a family to the complexities of carrying a child not genetically related to them. For added support, we assign surrogates a specific case manager who will help answer questions and be their guide and emotional support person as they become a surrogate mom.

Post-Birth Transition

The labor and delivery process proceeds as it would in any childbirth scenario. The surrogate receives medical care and support from the obstetric team, which may include obstetricians, nurses, and midwives. The intended parents, if present, offer emotional support and encouragement.

The post-birth period is a critical time of transition for surrogates as the baby they’ve carried is united with the intended parents. It’s a period marked by a mix of emotions, including pride in the achievement and the bittersweet feelings of parting.

Once the surrogate is medically cleared for discharge, she may have the option to spend additional time with the intended parents and the baby before saying goodbye. Support from professionals and loved ones allows the surrogate to navigate this phase in a healthy and positive manner.

Becoming a surrogate mother is a path filled with challenges and profound rewards. Knowing what to expect can prepare you for the emotional and physical intricacies of the surrogacy process. At Trusted Surrogacy Center, we are a full-service surrogacy agency that offers comprehensive support and assistance to both intended parents and surrogate mothers.

We will help you coordinate with other professionals involved in the surrogacy process. You can be assured that we will be there for you as you go through every step of your surrogacy journey. If you believe you are the perfect fit for surrogacy, we hope you consider Trusted Surrogacy Center for full-service support and an enjoyable experience for all parties.


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